Tyne Gap and Hadrian’s Wall

This narrow, distinctive corridor centred on the River Tyne separates the uplands of the North Pennines National Character Area (NCA) from the Border Moors and Forests NCA. Westwards are views of pastoral landscapes of the Solway Basin and Eden Valley NCAs and eastwards a more urban character prevails with views of the conurbation of Newcastle in the Tyne and Wear Lowlands NCA.
The Tyne valley is underlain by sedimentary Carboniferous rocks comprising a repetitive succession of limestones, sandstones, shales and intrusion of horizontal, igneous rock dolerite. Also, the prominent, intruded igneous Whin Sill formation forms a dramatic escarpment on which Hadrian’s Wall is built. A mosaic of arable and pasture land, conifer plantations and well-wooded valley sides occur, along with the fertile lowland corridor of the river flood plain. Here, flat, arable fields contrast with the larger-scale upper slopes of valleys. In the west, cattle and sheep graze large areas of rough pasture, divided by walls and fences, merging to mixed and arable land in the east. A well-wooded mosaic of deciduous, mixed and coniferous woodland provides habitat for priority species – red squirrel and woodland birds. Broadleaved woodland on steeper slopes lines the rivers.

Natural England Published 30 September 2014, NCA Profile: 11 Tyne Gap and Hadrian’s Wall (NE533), https://www.gov.uk, accessed 14 January 2019, <http://publications.naturalengland.org.uk/publication/6734181715410944?category=587130>.

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